ABLOY CUMULUS combines quality products with secure access and management applications. It provides the key to keyless access.
The recent increase in the number of pet and hobby dogs is also evident in the growth of new services aimed at dogs and dog owners. So-called dog forests can already be found in several cities, and the Pori region in Finland has also received its own fenced outdoor and play areas. The Jakkuvärkki dog forest, opened in Viasvesi, covers an area of 4.3 hectares, so there is always something new to explore in the forest filled with ponds, wetlands, and moss-covered stones on each visit. An automated booking and access management systems allow the use of the dog forest 24/7: thanks to the integration of keyless ABLOY CUMULUS locking and the Asio-Data booking system, no physical keys or access cards are needed.
"The use of the dog forest is easy 24/7 with a book-pay-open model: when the user has booked a time on our website, they receive a virtual key in the ABLOY CUMULUS mobile app, with which they can open the CUMULUS padlock at the main gate during the reserved time," says Katri Laaja, the owner of the dog forest.
"Because running the dog forest is a part-time job for us, everything has to work as easily and automatically as possible. Thanks to the solution, we don't have to be there to open the gates in the middle of the day or to worry about key management; we can trust that the system works and is always up to date. The cooperation was very flexible: when Asio-Data recommended Abloy's solution to us, Abloy came to demonstrate the system and its operation on-site. This further facilitated decision-making," continues entrepreneur partner Reima Laaja.
One issue to be solved was also electricity: the nearest power connections in the dog forest area are one and a half kilometers away. With the ABLOY CUMULUS padlock operating on batteries and Bluetooth® , connections work anywhere, and the lock withstands demanding conditions.
According to the entrepreneurs, the safety of dogs and owners is the core of the entire dog forest concept. Dogs have a need to move freely, but few, especially those living in urban environments, have this opportunity. The dog forest offers the freedom to meet the natural, species-specific needs of dogs in a safe and supervised area.
"In the dog forest, dogs can move freely and safely, and owners can be sure that there is no one else in the area except those that the ones that have made the booking have allowed to enter the area," says Katri Laaja.
The customers of the dog forest also agree with the safety and smoothness.
"We have received only positive feedback from our customers. No one has been left outside the gate; the lock has opened and closed every time, and we have never had to come and open the gate in the middle of the day. One customer commented that if they can download the mobile app and use it without any problems, anyone can do it," Katri laughs and pets the Labrador Retriever lying peacefully in her lap."
ABLOY CUMULUS combines quality products with secure access and management applications. It provides the key to keyless access.