30.12.2024 - Marketing & Customer Pivacy notice merged
- 3.10.2022 Clarified chapters 4 (What is the purpose and legal basis of personal data processing), 5 (What data is processed) and 9 (What are the retention periods of personal data) regarding the Yale personnel online store.
- 25.8.2022 Updated chapters 2 (Registrar and contact information), 13 (Changes to the privacy statement), 4 (What is the purpose and legal basis of personal data processing), 5 (What data is processed) and 9 (What are the retention periods of personal data) regarding the OneShop online store. Fixed typos in FI and EN versions. Added a mention to the statement that the Sales and Customer Management Privacy Statement found in Intra is a short version of the statement (an extended version of the statement can be found in CORE and the My Abloy portal).
- 15.10.2020 Added information wherefrom can be found more information on how we process the personal data of Abloy certified locksmiths.
- 18.8.2020 Completed the notice with information related to customer surveys.
- 3.10.2022 - Updated Chapters 4. What is the purpose and legal basis of personal data processing) and 5. (What personal data is processed?)
- 31.3.2021 – Updated Chapters 4. (What is the purpose and legal basis for processing personal data?) 5. (What personal data is processed?) 7. (Who will the data be transferred to?) Added a section regarding Individuals relating to reference mentionings and Individuals relating to photoshoots.
- 27.8.2020 – Updated chapters 4. (purpose and legal basis for processing personal data), 5. (personal data processed), 7. (data transfers) and 8. (data processed outside the EU)
- 15.1.2019 – Updated chapters 7. (data transfers) and 8. (data processed outside the European Union)
- 3.10.2018 – Added new data content: telephone number, photo and statement from reference customers.