ABLOY publishes first-ever Sustainability Review

Sustainability reviewSustainability review

We are proud to introduce you to our first ever Sustainability Review, released in June, with the objective to present our sustainability related actions, plans, achievements and goals undertaken in 2022 in an engaging and user-friendly format.

Sustainability has been an integral part of Abloy’s business since the very beginning over 116 years ago. The new format of the Sustainability Review replaces the previous Environmental Review and is based on our sustainability vision including the themes of Innovation, Operations, Supply Chain Management and People, all of which are aligned to the ASSA ABLOY Group’s 2025 sustainability program, objectives and commitment to Science Based Targets.  

“Sustainability is not a single project or a trend. It’s embedded in our day-to-day operations and is an essential part of our strategy and development as well as occupational safety and well-being. We want to set a new standard for not only in our own area, but also across industry boundaries,” explains Jari Toivanen, SVP & Head of Abloy.

In the review, Jari expands on Abloy’s sustainability journey over the years, where constantly improving operations towards a more sustainable direction with the ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025 is just the beginning.

Abloy’s sustainability timeline. 

Armi Purhonen, Environmental Specialist at Abloy highlights how initiating a carbon footprint calculation in 2022, including emissions caused by our own operations (scope 1 & 2) but also indirect emissions (scope 3), created the base for an ambitious roadmap for how to achieve the carbon neutrality goals in collaboration with partners.

In the review, you can read the full interviews with Jari and Armi, as well as interviews and related objectives for each of the themes that together form Abloy’s sustainability vision:

  • Innovation: Leading transformation towards energy efficient, sustainable access solutions.
    Interview with Jouni Tirkkonen, Head of Innovation, Mechanical Solutions business unit and Olli Kilpeläinen, Head of Innovation, Digital Access Solutions business unit.
  • Operations: Continuous improvement is in the center of sustainable operations. Interview with Mikko Saastamoinen, VP Operations.
  • Supply Chain Management: Working to ensure a more sustainable supply chain. Interview with Veli-Pekka Kyllönen, Logistics Manager and Pia Räty, Procurement Manager.
  • People: Driving safe and healthy environment for our employees and our community.
    Interview with Pekka Rahkamaa, Head of Corporate Security and Petri Lempiäinen, HR Director.

“It is clear that sustainable development already has a huge impact today and it will have an even greater impact not only on the everyday lives of all of us, but especially on the lives of our children and future generations. Together, small changes every day can bring significant changes and results. The future is up to us,” adds Jari.

Find out more by reading the full Sustainability Review for 2022

If you have any questions, please reach out to Armi Purhonen, Environmental Specialist at Abloy.