Carbon Roadmap

A carbon roadmap with the goal of net zero in 2050A carbon roadmap with the goal of net zero in 2050

Most of our emissions come from the value chain

Our carbon footprint in 2021 was 47 287 tCO2e.

That is about same as 4 600 average Finnish persons yearly emissions or 15 600 persons yearly car driving emissions when driving 20 000 km per year.

Our direct emissions (Scope 1) accounted 0,1 % of our total emissions. Emissions from the electricity and heat we purchased (Scope 2) form another 0,1 %. The remaining 99,8 % comes from other indirect emissions (Scope 3), for example, purchased goods and services, transportation or capital goods.

Emissions specified in different scoupes based on their sourcesEmissions specified in different scoupes based on their sources

The calculation is performed in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. This standard is the most used and accepted standard and many corporate responsibility reporting frameworks, such as GRI, CDP and TCFD, also recommend its use.

Priority emission reduction actions

  • An icon illustrating key supplier engagement to climate workAn icon illustrating key supplier engagement to climate work

    Key supplier engagement to climate work

    Majority of our emissions originate upstream from our core activities, namely purchased goods and services. Therefore it is vital to incorporate key suppliers in our climate work through a systematic process.

  • An icon illustrating emission reductions in logisticsAn icon illustrating emission reductions in logistics

    Greener logistics

    Emission reductions in logistics can be achieved through strategic and tactical level decisions. Strategic level decisions are incorporated into key procurement decisions, such as prioritizing local suppliers. Tactical level decisions are done in cooperation with logistics partners and assists in achieving emission reductions on shorter term, for example using biofuels or electric vehicles.

  • An icon illustrating data quality improvements regarding the emission calculationsAn icon illustrating data quality improvements regarding the emission calculations

    Data quality improvements

    We aim to move in all the procurement categories from spend-based calculations to mass-based data and then gradually towards supplierspecific emission calculations.

  • An icon illustrating reduce of impact in own operationsAn icon illustrating reduce of impact in own operations

    Reducing impact in own operations

    We have already done significant improvements, but there is still room for impact reduction to achieve Carbon neutrality in own operations. This includes energy efficiency measures, vehicle policy updates and offsetting the remaining emissions.

We have been working for a long time to reduce our carbon footprint and cut emissions. Through persistent work, we have been able to reduce our emissions significantly. At the same time, we recognise that there is still more to do and are committed to continuous improvement.

Using electricity in order to reduce emissionsUsing electricity in order to reduce emissions