Efficient mobile workflow management

The Communauté d’Agglomé ration or district of La Rochelle in western France covers 28 municipalities. The total population served is around 170,000. The district operates 13 public waste reception centres, which were experiencing frequent break-ins and theft of valuable recyclable material. The sites needed a major security upgrade to meet the following requirements:

  •  A locking system with reliable security and a track record protecting valuable materials, because much of the waste has significant resale value
  •  A system which prevented physical keys from being copied then reused without authorization
  •  The flexibility to allow easy public access to the 13 sites during business hours, and to offer access at designated times to maintenance staff or supervisors
  •  Easy system administration with user-friendly software
  •  Efficient mobile workflow management for security staff who are sometimes based up to 25 km from sites they protect

No need to track multiple key copies

The Communauté d’Agglomération chose CLIQ keybased electronic access control, installing padlocks and cylinders at all 13 sites and issuing programmable keys to authorized staff.

Programmable CLIQ locks are wireless — a standard battery inside every CLIQ key powers the microelectronics — so new cylinders and padlocks can be deployed almost anywhere, including outdoors (some products are waterproof and operate in temperature extremes).

Now, security guards for the 13 sites carry a single CLIQ key programmed to open only the appropriate locks. There’s no longer any need for managers to duplicate and then track multiple key copies. It’s easy for security administrators to update any key’s access permissions using the CLIQ Web Manager software. Should anyone lose a key, its access rights can be deleted instantly. There’s no need to replace any locks.

La Rochelle district administrators are so impressed, they plan to extend CLIQ access control to all municipal sites. Thanks to CLIQ technology, waste burglars are wasting their time.

Benefits of Abloy's solution

  •  Programmed keys with personalised access permission for authorized staff
  •  No wiring is required
  •  Accessible and intuitive managing locking system with CLIQ software
  •  Lost keys’ access rights are removed instantly
