North West

CLIQ helps to keep power flowing to North West England

From Upgrading security at Electricity North West Limited presents quite a challenge. The company owns 57,000 kilometres of overhead lines and underground cables, as well as 34,000 transformers, in urban and remote rural locations across North West England. The company sought a solution to control access at its sites, which are spread across urban and remote rural locations.


To control access at dispersed sites with constantly changing access requirements. The company’s old brass padlocks had occasionally been targeted by thieves for their scrap value. 

  • Locks that meet the industry security standard for attack resistance, to ensure the continuity and safety of electricity supply
  • Padlocks which are not made of brass
  • A locking solution which enables Electricity North West Limited to control keys more easily
  • The ability to generate audit trails on demand, identifying when keys and locks were operated
  • A survey and installation service


  •  Padlocks’security standards (tested BS EN12320, certified to LPS 1654)
  •  Individual access rights to specific areas at specific times and dates
  •  The CLIQ software supports the complex workflow of the utility company
  •  Audit trails



    PROTEC² CLIQ - manage every lock, key and access with remote access management.