Case Studies

Find out from our case studies how we have helped our customers around the world.

Latest case studies

  • Car Dealership interior with Luxury VehiclesCar Dealership interior with Luxury Vehicles

    H.R. Owen

    Abloy UK and Knightsbridge Security Systems Provide Flexible Security for Luxury Car Dealership H.R. Owen

  • Ambulance in front of the London EyeAmbulance in front of the London Eye

    London Ambulance Service NHS Trust

    Improved medicine management with individual access rights at the London Ambulance Service.


    LITELOK, known for its innovative, lightweight bike locks, has teamed up with Abloy to develop the world’s strongest bike lock. 

  • The Safety Letterbox Company and ABLOY UKThe Safety Letterbox Company and ABLOY UK

    The Safety Letterbox Company

    ABLOY UK creates bespoke locking solution for Secure Information Boxes

  • Helsinki Central Railway Station

    Safeguarding a national treasure – ABLOY PULSE ensures a seamless meeting of history and the future at Helsinki Central Railway Station.


  • London Ambulance Service PROTEC² CLIQLondon Ambulance Service PROTEC² CLIQ

    London Ambulance Service

    Well governed management of access to controlled drugs is essential, especially with the urgent nature of the care that LAS provide, and the magnitude of the estate. The trust required a flexible and easy to use access control system, with multiple access and skill levels across multiple locations.

  • Raigmore Hospital case studyRaigmore Hospital case study

    Raigmore Hospital

    Security expert ABLOY UK supplied NHS Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, with the eCLIQ® electromechanical solution to improve their on-site facilities management and security.

  • North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Trust case studyNorth Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Trust case study

    North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Trust

    Security expert ABLOY UK has supplied high security CLIQ cylinders and keys to Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to upgrade the security of the drug cabinets at Scunthorpe General Hospital, resulting in significant cost and time savings. 

  • crosshouse hospital case studycrosshouse hospital case study

    Crosshouse Hospital

    Security expert ABLOY UK has supplied Crosshouse Infirmary, Kilmarnock, with PROTEC2 CLIQ® and Traka21 key management solutions for their drug cabinets, to improve the management of medicines and increase nursing efficiency. 

  • queen elizabeth hospital case studyqueen elizabeth hospital case study

    Queen Elizabeth Hospital

    ABLOY UK and medical equipment manufacturer Bristol Maid have supplied the Queen Elizabeth (QE) Hospital Birmingham with over 1,400 keys and 1,600 locks, fitting PROTEC2 CLIQ© and Traka21 advanced key management systems to improve the security of medicines.


  • Castle Quay

    The key to security: Abloy Castle Quay installation

  • Epos Now

    Assigning access to the offices, buildings and vehicles

Museums & Heritage

  • Ashmolean Museum

    One of the most prestigious museums in the country has turned to ABLOY PROTEC when securing its valuable artefacts, as part of a £46 million regeneration project.

  • Design Museum

    Abloy UK supplied the Design Museum in Kensington, London, with over 56 PROTEC2 CLIQ® electromechanical cylinders to secure doors within the building and form part of a security system that protects high value assets and exhibits.

  • Dylan Thomas Centre

    Abloy UK supplied the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea with all of the display case locks for its new exhibition ‘Love the Words’, which opened on the centenary of Thomas’ birth.

  • Fastnet Lighthouse

    Abloy UK supplied Commissioners of Irish Lights, a Maritime organisation delivering Irish coastal safety, with a number of high security Super Weather Proof padlocks for use at Fastnet Rock lighthouse.